- Task so clearly met - music works really well and the images start out clearly contrapuntal
- A few images in the middle were ambiguous - some of the smiles could have been interpreted as screams which lost the impact a little.
- Pace of editing and transitions could have been done differently
- Horror images well selected and very effective for parallel element
Student feedback:
- Clear switch between contrapuntal and parallel - second set of images worked well with music
- Happy/peaceful images contrasted well with the sound which made it feel like there was going to be a jumpscare
- Smooth transition from contrapuntal to parallel images, keeping the same music throughout
- Maybe used video clips as well for more affect
- Quicken pace of images in time with music during parallel sound
- There was a clear difference between contrapuntal and parallel sound
- A good variety of images used for both contrapuntal and parallel sound
- The music worked well to create parallel sound as well as contrapuntal sound
- Use video clips as well to create a more powerful effect and reaction from audience
- Take more time in editing the video and make the music in time with the images for the parallel half of the video
- Use less ambiguous images for the contrapuntal section of the video
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