Comments on Statement of Intent:
- Overall, this is impressive – excellent command of Media language and theory.
- Perhaps use bullet points or another structural element to present title, tagline etc.? You launch straight into the narrative – perhaps use a subheading or bullet point for this too?
- Try and add media terminology where you can – and be more specific about your plans. Where will the slow and fast paced editing occur? What sounds and where? Pick out a few key shots – this may be easier now you have pre-production done.
- Similarly for the posters – be specific about what they will involve and how they will target different audiences (as per the brief).
- The sections on representation and audience are strong – well done.
- For the digital convergence element of the mark scheme, perhaps try and make specific references to the work you plan to produce (e.g. an element of your posters or trailer) and how these could create synergy (I know you already mention this at one point).
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